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KINNPORSCHE The Novel [English Translation] | Penana (5)

KINNPORSCHE The Novel [English Translation]



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KINNPORSCHE The Novel [English Translation] | Penana (8)


KINNPORSCHE The Novel [English Translation] | Penana (9)


KINNPORSCHE The Novel [English Translation] | Penana (10)


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#1INTRO: LOVE IS THE WORST25 Likes92354 Reads8 Comments☰#200: STARTS WITH WORST25 Likes83302 Reads0 Comments☰#301: DEJA VU13 Likes42105 Reads0 Comments☰#402: MASTER OF THE HUNT18 Likes30481 Reads0 Comments☰#503: THE HUNT23 Likes24672 Reads0 Comments☰#604: PRESSURE15 Likes21247 Reads0 Comments☰#705: CHOICES19 Likes19368 Reads2 Comments☰#806: RIGHT OR WRONG22 Likes17617 Reads0 Comments☰#907: FIRST DAY17 Likes16889 Reads0 Comments☰#1008: FORGOTTEN17 Likes16910 Reads0 Comments☰#1109: TIRED19 Likes16304 Reads0 Comments☰#1210: CHANGED17 Likes16274 Reads0 Comments☰#1311: INSANITY17 Likes16908 Reads0 Comments☰#1412: SUSPICION16 Likes16287 Reads2 Comments☰#1513: OMEN19 Likes15370 Reads0 Comments☰#1614: APPROPRIATE22 Likes17542 Reads2 Comments☰#1715: INSTINCT (R+18)21 Likes33200 Reads0 Comments☰#1816: WOUNDS (R+18)16 Likes28899 Reads1 Comment☰#1917: CONSTANT REMINDER (R+18)19 Likes26446 Reads6 Comments☰#2018: FEEL17 Likes18446 Reads0 Comments☰#2119: LOST15 Likes15138 Reads0 Comments☰#2220: LOOP13 Likes14673 Reads0 Comments☰#2321: SHAKING11 Likes15316 Reads0 Comments☰#2422: DISTRACTED13 Likes16749 Reads0 Comments☰#2523: DELETE [R+18]15 Likes26337 Reads0 Comments☰#2624: OVERTHINK [R+18]12 Likes22181 Reads0 Comments☰#2725: CAN’T STOP11 Likes17458 Reads0 Comments☰#2826: BACK11 Likes13501 Reads0 Comments☰#2927: ENOUGH10 Likes12018 Reads0 Comments☰#3028: QUESTION12 Likes11725 Reads0 Comments☰#3129: END13 Likes12220 Reads0 Comments☰#3230: TOO LATE9 Likes13264 Reads0 Comments☰#3331: EDIT11 Likes12904 Reads1 Comment☰#3432: UNRAVEL9 Likes13393 Reads0 Comments☰#3533: FEELINGS [R+18]14 Likes22833 Reads0 Comments☰#3634: AGAIN10 Likes14636 Reads0 Comments☰#3735: PORSCHE’S DAY9 Likes14515 Reads0 Comments☰#3836: GONE9 Likes13174 Reads1 Comment☰#3937: BACK4 Likes11718 Reads1 Comment☰#4038: SEARCH7 Likes9838 Reads1 Comment☰#4139: TROUBLE7 Likes9378 Reads0 Comments☰#4240: UNTRUE7 Likes9086 Reads0 Comments☰#4341: IF NOT TRUE7 Likes8781 Reads0 Comments☰#4442: REVEAL5 Likes9290 Reads2 Comments☰#4543: REAL STORY8 Likes9308 Reads0 Comments☰#4644: THE TRUTH, THE LAST STORY5 Likes13744 Reads2 Comments☰#47SPECIAL ENDING7 Likes14684 Reads3 Comments☰#4800: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY12 Likes19658 Reads2 Comments☰#4901: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY9 Likes13843 Reads0 Comments☰#5002: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY10 Likes14166 Reads0 Comments☰#5104: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [R+18]9 Likes21108 Reads0 Comments☰#5205: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [R+18]11 Likes22265 Reads0 Comments☰#5306: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY10 Likes16447 Reads0 Comments☰#5407: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY10 Likes15416 Reads0 Comments☰#5501: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]9 Likes18974 Reads0 Comments☰#5608: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [R+18]8 Likes27291 Reads0 Comments☰#5710: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY8 Likes17493 Reads0 Comments☰#5802: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]9 Likes17724 Reads0 Comments☰#5903: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]7 Likes14821 Reads0 Comments☰#6004: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]6 Likes16313 Reads0 Comments☰#6105: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]26 Likes19915 Reads2 Comments☰

Non-Commercial English translations of KP รักโคตรร้าย สุดท้ายโคตรรัก novel written by the writing duo DAEMI which has been adapted into a Thai Boys' Love Series with the same title directed by Khom Kongkiat Khomsiri and Pepzi Banchorn Vorasataree


DISCLAIMERS: This work was published NOT for any commercial use and NOT to gain any profits. This is 100% fan-translated.


The second son of the Mafia, Kinn Theerapanyakul, was assaulted by an enemy causing him to flee from them until he met Porsche Kittisawasd, a young student who was hired as a part-time waiter at an entertainment establishment. Porsche saw the scene in the entertainment establishment but didn't pay much attention to it.

But then, Kinn made an offer. If Porsche could save him from his enemies, he would pay a certain amount in return. Porsche, who has the best martial arts degree and is a national judo champion, decides to get involved and helps Kinn escape. Due to his striking combat skills, Kinn wants to hire Porsche to be his personal bodyguard.

Porsche opposed and rejected Kinn, who would do anything to get what he wanted. After being terrorized by Kinn's enemies and Kinn, he had no choice but to agree. Porsche didn't want to be a part of this dangerous world because he was afraid that the only person he loved, his brother Porchay Kittisawasd, would get hurt. Porsche accepts Kinn's ridiculous agreements and moves in to live with him.

There is still a mystery that Porsche has to face with some very unexpected events. Moreover, the intimacy with Kinn creates a turbulent feeling in their hearts that starts to shake and become love. That path will not be easy because of the many problems and many obstacles that will come to test their love, he must stand up to endure all the problems he faces.

Source: LazySubber


KINNPORSCHE The Novel [English Translation] | Penana (16)


Jasonwsl Audrey Halle Kemp Mk Monica Jebiwot Phantom0308 Bang Di Barbasiawro sam chloexbi Ancsa idfiw Miranda Roggio Kinnporsche Lisa Kphowtocallmeh Valentina Cuadros Alfa*gem Sky Debbi Mueller Foreman


#1INTRO: LOVE IS THE WORST25 Likes92354 Reads8 Comments☰#200: STARTS WITH WORST25 Likes83302 Reads0 Comments☰#301: DEJA VU13 Likes42105 Reads0 Comments☰#402: MASTER OF THE HUNT18 Likes30481 Reads0 Comments☰#503: THE HUNT23 Likes24672 Reads0 Comments☰#604: PRESSURE15 Likes21247 Reads0 Comments☰#705: CHOICES19 Likes19368 Reads2 Comments☰#806: RIGHT OR WRONG22 Likes17617 Reads0 Comments☰#907: FIRST DAY17 Likes16889 Reads0 Comments☰#1008: FORGOTTEN17 Likes16910 Reads0 Comments☰#1109: TIRED19 Likes16304 Reads0 Comments☰#1210: CHANGED17 Likes16274 Reads0 Comments☰#1311: INSANITY17 Likes16908 Reads0 Comments☰#1412: SUSPICION16 Likes16287 Reads2 Comments☰#1513: OMEN19 Likes15370 Reads0 Comments☰#1614: APPROPRIATE22 Likes17542 Reads2 Comments☰#1715: INSTINCT (R+18)21 Likes33200 Reads0 Comments☰#1816: WOUNDS (R+18)16 Likes28899 Reads1 Comment☰#1917: CONSTANT REMINDER (R+18)19 Likes26446 Reads6 Comments☰#2018: FEEL17 Likes18446 Reads0 Comments☰#2119: LOST15 Likes15138 Reads0 Comments☰#2220: LOOP13 Likes14673 Reads0 Comments☰#2321: SHAKING11 Likes15316 Reads0 Comments☰#2422: DISTRACTED13 Likes16749 Reads0 Comments☰#2523: DELETE [R+18]15 Likes26337 Reads0 Comments☰#2624: OVERTHINK [R+18]12 Likes22181 Reads0 Comments☰#2725: CAN’T STOP11 Likes17458 Reads0 Comments☰#2826: BACK11 Likes13501 Reads0 Comments☰#2927: ENOUGH10 Likes12018 Reads0 Comments☰#3028: QUESTION12 Likes11725 Reads0 Comments☰#3129: END13 Likes12220 Reads0 Comments☰#3230: TOO LATE9 Likes13264 Reads0 Comments☰#3331: EDIT11 Likes12904 Reads1 Comment☰#3432: UNRAVEL9 Likes13393 Reads0 Comments☰#3533: FEELINGS [R+18]14 Likes22833 Reads0 Comments☰#3634: AGAIN10 Likes14636 Reads0 Comments☰#3735: PORSCHE’S DAY9 Likes14515 Reads0 Comments☰#3836: GONE9 Likes13174 Reads1 Comment☰#3937: BACK4 Likes11718 Reads1 Comment☰#4038: SEARCH7 Likes9838 Reads1 Comment☰#4139: TROUBLE7 Likes9378 Reads0 Comments☰#4240: UNTRUE7 Likes9086 Reads0 Comments☰#4341: IF NOT TRUE7 Likes8781 Reads0 Comments☰#4442: REVEAL5 Likes9290 Reads2 Comments☰#4543: REAL STORY8 Likes9308 Reads0 Comments☰#4644: THE TRUTH, THE LAST STORY5 Likes13744 Reads2 Comments☰#47SPECIAL ENDING7 Likes14684 Reads3 Comments☰#4800: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY12 Likes19658 Reads2 Comments☰#4901: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY9 Likes13843 Reads0 Comments☰#5002: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY10 Likes14166 Reads0 Comments☰#5104: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [R+18]9 Likes21108 Reads0 Comments☰#5205: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [R+18]11 Likes22265 Reads0 Comments☰#5306: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY10 Likes16447 Reads0 Comments☰#5407: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY10 Likes15416 Reads0 Comments☰#5501: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]9 Likes18974 Reads0 Comments☰#5608: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [R+18]8 Likes27291 Reads0 Comments☰#5710: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY8 Likes17493 Reads0 Comments☰#5802: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]9 Likes17724 Reads0 Comments☰#5903: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]7 Likes14821 Reads0 Comments☰#6004: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]6 Likes16313 Reads0 Comments☰#6105: VEGASPETE SIDE STORY [VIP]26 Likes19915 Reads2 Comments☰

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Views: 5799

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.